Ricky Gervais – Principles of advertising?

Ricky Gervais discussing comedy and if different mediums need different personalities. I think he says it all:

All my favorite people have done one thing well, forever. Woody Allen, same character. Bob Hope, same character. Groucho Marx, same character. Different situations.

2010 in review

The stats helper monkeys at WordPress.com mulled over how this blog did in 2010, and here’s a high level summary of its overall blog health:

Healthy blog!

The Blog-Health-o-Meter™ reads This blog is doing awesome!.

Crunchy numbers

Featured image

A Boeing 747-400 passenger jet can hold 416 passengers. This blog was viewed about 8,700 times in 2010. That’s about 21 full 747s.

In 2010, there were 94 new posts, growing the total archive of this blog to 149 posts. There were 189 pictures uploaded, taking up a total of 45mb. That’s about 4 pictures per week.

The busiest day of the year was May 21st with 87 views. The most popular post that day was 80’s vs 00’s….

Where did they come from?

The top referring sites in 2010 were curiouscatkiller.co.uk, zezaurian.blogspot.com, en.search.wordpress.com, en.wordpress.com, and facebook.com.

Some visitors came searching, mostly for word of mouf, labyrinth movie, honey i shrunk the kids, justice, and sparkling water.

Attractions in 2010

These are the posts and pages that got the most views in 2010.


80’s vs 00’s… December 2009


MOVE B*ATCH… September 2009


London to Brighton in motion… October 2009


If they were made today… December 2009


It’s still water… September 2009

The Future Of Mobile…

I popped along to an RSA hosted event – ‘The Future Of Mobile’

Nothing to do with mobile marketing it turns out… so feel free to switch off, or continue to find deeper meaning in the future of mobile devices.
The lead speaker was running a little later, probably much like a lead singer he was getting intoxicated in one way or another or possibly shitting on a swan or the old cliche of throwing a TV out the hotel window. Either way, once he turned up, things got going and I discovered some interesting developments in mobile technology.
The main take out and amazement factor came from the fact that it is not developed countries pushing the boundaries of innovative on mobile devices but actually the developing countries. Below are two examples of this.
The first is M Pesa – a payment system used in Africa to not only transfer money to family via mobile devices and kiosks but also to pay for goods and services. Not the video shown at the talk but you’ll get the picture (plus, is it just me or is the guy doing the voice over talking in reverse?!)
The next is healthcare, and how mobile devices are helping doctors and carers out in africa look after patients. Again, sadly I couldnt find the video they showed at the talk but you’ll get the picture:
Intregued by the subject I went on to watch this TED talk – fascinating stuff, with plenty of exciting and potentially life saving ideas to come:



From the Classroom to Cannes….

Some clever peoples at work have an internal blog to share ideas and chat, I was granted access to this and wanted to put something long winded together for my first post. here it is.

A good idea is a good idea which can be rehashed through the ages to withstand the test of time. Simple ideas, executed correctly can change the way we present content and interact with the fickle nature of our ever evolving customers.

My first memorable experience of ‘computing’ was at the tender age of six in Mrs Taverners class at  West Town Primary School. The excitement surrounding the possibility of “making PODD pop” (he did other things too) on the futuristic looking BBC Computer System was enough to spark a pre-teen riot as a grapple for the keyboard ensued. Of course, such a treat was only to be rolled out on special occasions and operated under the strictest of corduroy slack wearing supervision.

This was a time well before Twitter, Facebook and even porn. Floppy discs were actually floppy, and the opportunity to witness a minimalistic swollen red scrotum explode in a fit of sexual tension was certainly not one to be missed.

An illustration of an astoundingly simple concept which captivated a school full of children, far more than any lesson on the Ancient Greeks, field trip to a Mosque, or the stunning Canadian supply teacher ever could.

Skip forward 20 something years and command based games have evolved. The concept has moved into marketing with similar branded spin-off versions of the classic game, such as the Burger King – subservient chicken. More recently Tippex produced a branded YouTube Channel takeover – TippExperience – which no doubt many an agile, creative mind lent their expertise towards producing – the fact that none of them thought “hang on who the fuck uses Tipex in This day and age” is a moot point.

*TANGENT* When was the last time you hand wrote something that actually justified the use of Tippex? Hang on, in-fact, when was the last time you wrote something by hand that wasn’t notes from a meeting? Probably a birthday card right? Well you can go and take a trip to Allied Carpets, roll yourself up in one, and jump of a fucking bridge  if you get my name wrong and need to Tippex it out in my birthday card…

Moving swiftly on, another incarnation or perhaps the evolutionary pinnacle of this interactive viral content – THE most manly man of all men (no, not me), The Old Spice Guy (OSG)- not only jumped on the band wagon but smashed its back doors in in the process. He took the concept and gave it the seeing to of its life – another level of interaction, a step-change, a paradigm shift. The execution, quite simply is this; you submit a question which the OSG then answers in an amusing and of course MANLY way through the medium of YouTube. “Jesus Titty fucking Christ – a personalised, bespoke response to my question from the Old Spice Guy” could be heard (or seen) echoing across the social networks. A buzz generating phenomenon illustrated perfectly by the results in this case study.

This evolution would indicate the start of a new form of brand engagement – The Real Time Viral – with more and more adaptations and variances of the theme popping up around the internet. Just this week I spotted Orange switching up their previously simple ‘The Feed‘ blog. This had been used previously to push Orange branded content (articles, film trailers, competitions) to those who may coincidently stumble upon it. Now, they are creating Response Driven Interactive Social Content (I made that up – it would be called RDISC if a GP or gynecologist broke the discovery to you).

ANYWAY, using the same platform, Orange this week launched what looks set to be the first in a catalogue of genuinely interactive treats: The Singing Tweetagrams. You tweet with a #tag and if you’re lucky, and of course entertaining enough, the Rockabellas will record it in song format and post it back to you within 48 hrs. Awesome! Better than sex!. Note: all tweets are acknowledged even if they are not recorded. Here is one I did, my mate had a new job – it was the best I could muster up in a hope of some self gratifying recognition. The success of the idea from a marketing perspective comes from your tweet being directed at someone, thus spreading the awareness, generating a viral buzz – sharing is caring and so on..

The evolution is evident, the production of short stories and videos with a loose relevance to the Orange brand activity, has now become a living, breathing, fun, shareable experience with an all important personal touch. I’m eagerly anticipating this revolution bridging the gap into the world of pornography.

The conclusion?… hmmmm, well…

Content is evolving – as are ideas and their execution, but usually it’s the simple and entertaining ones that are noticed and shared. Can we see more of this please?